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In the Old Testament there’s a poem which says:


You [God] prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies;

You have anointed my head with oil;

My cup overflows.


In this poem (Psalm 23), the writer David realises that God has given him good things and cared for him. Both the language of ‘a prepared table’ and ‘anointing oil’ have a sense of extravagance about them. Realising this, David’s ‘cup overflows’ with gratitude.


He can’t help but pay it forward. At St Peter’s we seek to live lives of overflow, generously sharing what we have both inside and beyond our church family.


We would love it if you’d join us by giving to St Peter’s so we can do more as a community to help our neighbours encounter God’s extravagant love.


Come on, let’s live lives of overflow.



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